“Hi Ed,
These pictures are GORGEOUS. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, we cannot wait to use these!

“The photos are just gorgeous, Ed!
Thank You, Nancy”

“Hi Sue & Ed!
Thank you kindly for sending the photo my way. I LOVE it!!!! It was a pleasure to work alongside you the other day and hope to do so again soon. Thank you once again and have a wonderful day!!!!

“Thanks Sue! I still can’t get over how perfectly these all came out. And that last one… haha, woah did Ed capture that moment perfectly! Just another day in our lives ha!
We will definitely want to get some prints, especially of the nice one with the four of us. I will let you know, but we may wait to print them out until after we’re settled into the new place just so we don’t risk losing/ruining them in the move.
Thank you again, you’re the best!

“Hi Sue & Ed,
I know this is a little late but I received my daughter’s senior pictures and I wanted to tell you that they’re awesome!! The quality is great and they have gotten great compliments. And thank you for again, regarding all of my suggestions and critiques when it came to the editing. Thanks so much!!!

“Hi Sue & Ed – We love what you did with the album! It’s nicer than I even imagined it would be!! Great job!!
Thanks again, and I’ll wait to hear from you as far as where we go from here-

“Hi Sue & Ed,
Thank you so much for doing this for us. I so appreciate it. I know it must be crazy with Senior Pics…my sisters came out AMAZING by the way. I love them all.
I will look at the album layout as soon as I get home tonight. Can’t wait to see it and again thank you so much for doing this even though you are super busy.
Mark and I are going to set up an appointment for Kayleigh’s 1 year shots too. We want to do a nice family pic as well. Let me know…thanks Sue!